
Ding Stadt am Rhing 

(your city on the Rhine)

App­ly for a room now

ope­ned in octo­ber 2021

Stu­dent apart­ments in Cologne

Wel­co­me to your com­mu­ni­ty. An exci­ting time awaits you in Colo­gne. Take advan­ta­ge of it and stay with us in the Zoll­stock dis­trict of Colo­gne. Learn, stu­dy and make new fri­ends in our brand new apart­ment buil­ding. With our all-inclu­si­ve rent, ever­y­thing is taken care of. App­ly for a room now!

The K‑Apart Stu­dent apart­ment house in Colo­gne has 104 fur­nis­hed apart­ments with 127 beds in the form of sin­gle, dou­ble and shared rooms. The­re is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to rent an addi­tio­nal under­ground par­king space. The­re are suf­fi­ci­ent bicy­cle par­king spaces available. A DHL pack­ing sta­ti­on is also plan­ned on the premises.

All inclu­si­ve, that is:

Com­mis­si­on free

no fees, no hid­den costs

Ful­ly fur­nis­hed rooms

Shut­ters for darkening

Fast inter­net

High-speed Inter­net connection

Com­mon room

for mee­tings and lear­ning together

Ser­vice char­ges included

Elec­tri­ci­ty, hea­ting, water, jani­tor: ever­y­thing included

Own bal­c­o­ny

all apart­ments have a bal­c­o­ny or terrace

Fit­ted kitchen

with cera­mic hob and refrigerator

Cen­tral location

short distances to the city and to the universities

DHL Pack­sta­ti­on

Never miss a packa­ge again

Smart living

Door ope­ning via smart­phone and ten­ant app with addi­tio­nal features


Free Bicy­cle par­king and under­ground par­king space (for a fee)

Whats­App Group

fast com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on among all residents



  • Gar­den
  • Com­fort
  • Roof­top
  • Pre­mi­um
  • Pre­mi­um Plus
  • Luxu­ry

Sin­gle apartment


  • Com­fort
  • Roof­top
  • Pre­mi­um

Twin apart­ment


  • Com­fort
  • Roof­top

Shared apart­ment

Show all


Feel free to cont­act us!
