
Our Con­cept

Living made easy

Living made easy

Are you an inter­na­tio­nal stu­dent or bap­ti­zed with Ori­gi­nal Eau de Colo­gne and loo­king for a new home? With our con­cept we offer you the pos­si­bi­li­ty: just move in and feel at home!

All-inclu­si­ve ren­tals with no hid­den sur­pri­ses or cos­ts. The apart­ments are ful­ly fur­nis­hed inclu­ding a kit­chenet­te. All apart­ments and all rooms in shared apart­ments have their own bal­c­o­ny or terrace.

We have imple­men­ted seve­ral smart ele­ments to make your expe­ri­ence effort­less and con­ve­ni­ent. Your smart­phone is your front door key and gives you access to all rooms. With the ren­tal con­tract you get access to our app, which gua­ran­tees easy com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and always keeps you up to date!

We have what you are loo­king for: Your own four walls in your own apart­ment or within a shared apart­ment. You have your pri­va­cy and are still in the thick of it!

Appli­ca­ti­on process

Choo­se your new home from our free apart­ments.
Click on „App­ly now”. 

Here you will find a check­list of the requi­red documents.

Enter data

Upload Docu­ments

We check your data

Sign ren­tal agreement

Move in and feel good

Infor­ma­ti­on for parents

The start of a stu­dy or app­ren­ti­ce­ship is an emo­tio­nal and exci­ting event! Often this is the first time that you lea­ve home and find your first place to live.

We make it easier for your child­ren to get star­ted in their first own apart­ment. We offer space for per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment and at the same time living tog­e­ther with like-min­ded people.

We are pre­sent for the resi­dents and make com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on as easy as pos­si­ble – so they can enter this new pha­se in life with confidence.

If you, as par­ents, read the­se lines and still have ques­ti­ons for us, feel free to cont­act us by email or pho­ne! We also ans­wer fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons in our sec­tion „FAQ“.

Offers for companies

Are you inte­res­ted in a pro­duct pla­ce­ment within our living con­cept and can you ima­gi­ne a coope­ra­ti­on with K‑Apart Stu­dent? We are hap­py to talk about joint pro­jects! You can adver­ti­se your pro­duct or ser­vice within our com­pa­ny – via print media and digi­tal­ly. We would be hap­py to work out an indi­vi­du­al con­cept together.

For your stu­dents, trai­nees and interns, we offer com­for­ta­ble accom­mo­da­ti­on over a lon­ger peri­od of time with uncom­pli­ca­ted pro­ces­sing. We would be hap­py to put tog­e­ther a per­so­nal offer for you. Just cont­act us!

Uni­ver­si­ty col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons, pro­duct pla­ce­ments or spon­sor­ship? Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us so we can inform you about the possibilities.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about our con­cept or the appli­ca­ti­on process?

Feel free to cont­act us.