
Fre­quent­ly asked questions 

and the answers


Do I have to be a stu­dent to rent an apartment? 

You must eit­her be a stu­dent, a pupil, an intern, or a trainee.

Is an apart­ment vie­w­ing possible? 

You are very wel­co­me to request an appoint­ment for a vie­w­ing – just cont­act us!

How do I beco­me a ten­ant in the K‑Apart Student? 

You can app­ly direct­ly here and you will be accom­pa­nied through the appli­ca­ti­on process.

Which docu­ments do I have to sub­mit with the application? 

You can find a check­list for the appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments here.


Is the­re a model ren­tal agreement?

You are wel­co­me to take a look at our sam­ple ren­tal agree­ment.


What does the all inclu­si­ve rent include? 

The all inclu­si­ve rent includes the use of your fur­nis­hed apart­ment, the shared use of the com­mon room and the usu­al ancil­la­ry cos­ts (elec­tri­ci­ty, water, hea­ting, gar­ba­ge, ele­va­tor fees). The fee for the high-speed inter­net is also included in the ren­tal price.

What types of apart­ments are there?

We have sin­gle and twin apart­ments as well as shared flats in a wide varie­ty of sizes. Have a look at them here.

Are the­re any other costs? 

You only have to pay the broad­cas­ting fee (known as „Rund­funk­bei­trag” or  „GEZ-Gebüh­­ren”) which we are not allo­wed to cover. Plea­se regis­ter on time. You can find infor­ma­ti­on on

A litt­le tip: For a shared apart­ment the fee only has to be pay­ed once and can be shared with your roommates.

How long are the lea­se periods?

The mini­mum lea­se peri­od is 6 months. You can then ter­mi­na­te your apart­ment in com­pli­ance with the sta­tu­to­ry noti­ce peri­od (up to the third working day of a calen­dar month to the end of the month after the next). You have to can­cel in wri­ting by let­ter or email.

Can I beco­me a ten­ant even though I am still a minor? 

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, this is not pos­si­ble, as we are not allo­wed to assu­me any super­vi­so­ry duties for you.

Which docu­ments are requi­red on the day of moving in? 

A valid form of iden­ti­ti­fi­ca­ti­on (pass­port or iden­ti­ty card) and, if appli­ca­ble, pro­of of the depo­sit payment.

Can I rent a par­king space?

Yes, we have around 50 under­ground par­king spaces that can be ren­ted for € 70 per month.

Is it allo­wed to keep pets?

No. The kee­ping of ani­mals of any kind is not per­mit­ted in our apart­ments – for reasons of hygie­ne and out of con­side­ra­ti­on for other resi­dents with allergies .

Who do I report dama­ge or defects to?

Plea­se report the dama­ge swift­ly over the app. Alter­na­tively, you can send an email.

Can I share a flat with my friends?

Of cour­se! The best way to get in touch is by email or pho­ne and we will see that we can find some­thing sui­ta­ble for you.


Are all apart­ments furnished?

All apart­ments are ful­ly fur­nis­hed and ren­ted out ful­ly equip­ped. Don’t for­get your bath­room and kit­chen access­ories. You also need a mat­tress, as every ten­ant brings this with them for hygie­nic reasons. You are wel­co­me to let us know in advan­ce and we can arran­ge a mat­tress for you.

Can I make chan­ges in the apartment?

You are wel­co­me to bring deco­ra­ti­ve items with you. Howe­ver, you are not allo­wed to remo­ve or bring any fur­ni­tu­re with you (excep­ti­on: bal­c­o­ny fur­ni­tu­re). No fas­tenings may be atta­ched (nails, dowels, power strips etc.)

Is the­re a bicy­cle par­king space?

Yes, you are wel­co­me to store your bike in one of our two bicy­cle par­king are­as. Your are not allo­wed to store your bike in the apartment.

Whe­re can I do my laundry?

Washing machi­nes and dry­ers are available for com­mu­nal use in our laun­dry room. Sim­ply book an appoint­ment in the app and use the devices when it suits you best. The­re is a small fee for this.